David Cass

We Want to Hear From You

David Cass
We Want to Hear From You

An ongoing open call to artists & makers:

Has increased environmental awareness influenced the way you work?

Our planet is at a tipping point. To achieve the colossal goals of reducing our global average temperature, slowing sea level rise and decarbonising the planet, we must all do what we can: no matter how small our actions may seem. For fine-artists, this truly does come down to making conscious choices between using acrylic (plastic) paints or natural (handmade and completely lead free) oils; toxic resins or eco-resin alternatives; turpentine or zest-based cleaners; new papers or recycled papers… our studio lighting should be considered as should the methods by which we transport our artworks and deliver our shows.

Every decision counts.

We want to hear from you: we aim to gather together insight on this topic from a wide range of makers. By pulling together our knowledge and tips, we might better chart a route forward for makers in a time of climate crisis.

Get in touch using the form below. Your responses will contribute to a new and ongoing series of group articles titled ‘Art in a Time of Climate Crisis’.


Artist, also creating design work via CreateCreate